Oh my god! Why do I have to do this? If I leave my house my family is going to get crazy. I don´t wont to do this. Please Zeus help me! I´m scared to fight against Medusa and if I die! Oh this is a very difficult decision! If I die how my family is going to react! and if I don´t have the strenght. What am I going to do? And if I die, my son! What is going to happen to him? Are they going to have another father? Well I have to see the positive points. If we kill Medusa we are going to be in history. We also are going to be remembered like heroes. I hope that Perseus is a good captain and he can make good decisions and I also wish that the other soldiers could fight like lions and also i wish that none died. Now I´m thinking how perseus and the other soldiers feel about the journey. Are they scared? And now I´m telling the Gods to help my family if I die. Well I have to prepare all my things to the fight and be ready to go in the morning and also say goodbye to my wife and my son.