1- The company tries to find a way of convincing one client by offering the best ideas possibles. Their interest is to get a new client and try to reach the goals of this one, and satisfy him. The specifie idea of such client is to find a way of persuading people of thinking that cigarretes are not dangerous at all so as to sell more of them.
2- The idea of Peter is rejected because in his specific idea involves the term of death. By doing this there might be costumers that indirectly reject this. In the other hand, Don's idea shows how the cigarretes from the company are healthier than others.
3- This image have a dark side and a controversy. The add give the idea that a doctor will recommend a specific type of cigarettes because they are less harmful for your teeths. This could be possible but what I try to say is that what is strange is that your Doctor could recommend a type of cigarette. Still the cigarette will be harmul, with filter or not.