martes, 31 de julio de 2012

Report: Enviroment Issues

REPORT: Enviroment Issues

INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this report is to talk about the main environmental problems in our country. I will talk about specifics problems. Also I will talk about what is being done. Then what people need to improve to change this and finally a conclusion. This information I take from different places using the computer.

TRASH: The people contamienit a lot. Most of them does not take importance to the enviroment. The trash is a main problem in this country because most of people doesn´t recicle or even separate the trash. The society must be aware of what he does and change the situation.
What is being done: In this country there are a lot of NGO (no gobermental organization) that are responsible of the problems in the enviroment. Greenpeace is an organization that help the animals a lot like the whales. There are a lot of NGO and some of them are responsible forb the trash. Also the people do not throw garbage in the bins.
What need to be done: We have to motivate the people to make a better use of the specials trash. That are the ones where you separate the paper from the plastic and other materials.

MINERY at OPEN SKIES: In this country there are places that make minery but at open skies, that mean that they do not make this in caves. This affect the water because when the people explote the mountain need a lot of water to separate the rock from the mineral inside them.
What is being done: The goberment try to stop this bacause they use a big amount of drinking water.
What need to be done: We have to motivate the people to stop this and put a law that prohibit this type of minery.

CHOP DOWN TREES: In This country there are many places where workers cut a lot of trees. The trees take a lot of years to be like we actually see. The cut of trees contribute to the global warming. Also affect the ecosystems and we lost a lot of forests.
What is being done: We are trying a lot to reduce the chop down of the forest. Also the NGO help in this enviroment problem.
What need to be done: Like all this problems I mention we have to motivate the people to reduce the problem. Also we have to make a  reforestation to the damage ecosystems.

Conclusion: We have to protec the enviroment. We do not have to wait and only talk about it, we have to make on our own. We have to protec our planet, is the only one that we have. I hope that this report is going to change your mind.

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